Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day Eight

Daily Routine

8:00am - wake up, get Caleb breakfast, drink coffee, kiss the hubby good bye
8:30am - Mickey Mouse Club House (Caleb doesn't watch a bunch of TV, only this show for once a day), I clean up breakfast, get dressed
9:00am - Hang with Caleb... play with puzzles, legos, read books, play with his work bench
10:30am - Nap time for the little man, get chores done, blog, catch up with family, read my bible study
12:00pm - Get both our lunches together, Caleb gets up and eats
12:30pm - Clean up lunch, Caleb plays (brings every toy in the living room)
1:00pm - depending on the day... sensory play, go to the park, play dates, swimming in the pool, play with the water table, go for walks, run errands. 
4:00pm - Nap Time, I prep dinner, clean, organize, me time
5:00pm/6:00pm - Caleb gets up from nap, start dinner
6:30pm -  My handsome hubby comes home, we eat
7:00pm - hubby plays with this little man, I clean up dinner
8:00pm - get Caleb ready for bed, read to him, put him to sleep
8:30pm - I get some one on one time with Jeff
10:30pm - bed

My days might not sound glamours, but I LOVE them!

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